Saturday, May 31, 2008
Got Peace?
Let's break up what Peter is saying here into bite sized pieces. First of all I want to mention how both Peter and Paul address all of their writing in the Bible, except for the book of Hebrews. They always write that grace and peace be multiplied towards the people. The people that they are wanting and asking grace to be multiplied towards are the people that are believers, believers in the personal knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In the book of Hebrews there is not this greeting. The reason for this is because the book of Hebrews was addressed to the Jewish people, who didn't have have the knowledge of Jesus as the messiah and Lord. So because they didn't have this knowledge they could not enter into nor obtain the grace and peace that comes form God.
Now, let's look at the second letter of Peter. He says may grace and peace be multiplied to you. And the way that the grace and peace that comes that from God and is multiplied to you, is through the full and personal knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. The more knowledge that you have about God. The more you know who He is, and what He is like, the grater your grace and peace becomes. The more you invest your time in seeking God, and trying to develop your relationship with Him the more peace and grace you have. If you don't seek, if you don't gain personal knowledge, you will not be able to enter into into God's grace and His supernatural peace.
The Bible tells us that faith comes by hearing. Hearing the word of God over and over brings you personal knowledge and this gives you faith. This brings to you the faith of God. Through this faith or personal knowledge you can now have God's grace, and you will have His supernatural peace, that will keep you free from fear regardless of your situation.
Next, Peter says that God has already given us all things, not a few things, not many things, not even most things, but ALL THINGS that we need for life and godliness. We have been given everything we need for a successful life right now. We also have been given all things for godliness. These are not things that God is going to some day give us when we are "good enough" but that God has already given them to us. So someone might say, "No, I don't have that." But, if you have asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, God says you do have it. And if God says it's true, than it is true. But, the thing that is stopping you from seeing the evidence of this in your life is the lack of knowledge of this truth. You have the divine power of God Himself, He has already deposited His divine power in you, when you were born again. But, it will not show it's self just because it is there. It takes an effort on your part to gain knowledge through the Word of God to bring this power out and into your life.
Faith comes by hearing the word of God. But, not just by hearing it once and saying, "Ok, I have heard that already, I don't need anymore. I have it all." No, the Bible doesn't say faith comes by heard. It says faith comes by hearing and hearing. Personal knowledge about God comes by hearing and hearing. Relationship with God comes from hearing and hearing. This is what God said, and He is God, and He gets to decided how life works. I come across so many people that think that they have decided who Gods is and what He is like. But, God is who He says He is, and that's it. He told Moses, "I AM that I AM." And the only way to have peace and grace, power and authority, that supersedes every circumstance in your life is through the personal knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord. Every other means to try to obtain peace, grace, power, authority, and especially salvation will fail. It may keep you afloat for awhile but when a circumstance comes against you in life you will sink.
Peter goes on to say that you can avoid, and that there is a way to escape the trials of life and only have the promises of God. He says that you are able to be a sharer or participator in God's divine nature. And He states that it is through the means, or through knowledge of God.
For this very reason, adding your diligence [to the divine promises] employ every effort in exercising your faith to develop virtue (excellence, resolution, Christian energy) and in [exercising] virtue [develop] knowledge (intelligence). ~2Peter 1:5
Here Peter is encouraging people to seek God, to learn about God, to put your whole self into the pursuit of knowing God. This will develop your faith in God, and this is the only way to have God's peace. This is the only way to have God's grace. This is the only way to have God's blessings. This is the only way to have God's victory over anything that comes against you. This is the only way to receive the salvation that is a gift of God.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Redeem (ri dEm)
Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree. That the blessings of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.~Galatians 3:13-14 KJV
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree." He redeemed us in order that the blessings given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. ~Galatians 3:13-14 NIV
But Christ has bought us out from under the doom of that impossible system by taking the curse for our wrongdoing upon Himself. For it is written in the Scripture, "Anyone who hanged on a tree is cursed" [as Jesus was hung upon a wooden cross] Now God can bless the Gentiles, too, with this same blessing He promised to Abraham; and all of us Christians can have the promised Holy Spirit through this faith. ~ Galatians 3:13-14 Living Bible
REDEEM Definition
re·deem (ri dēm′)
transitive verb
1. to buy back
2. to get back; recover, as by paying a fee
3. to pay off (a mortgage or note)
4. to convert (paper money) into gold or silver coin or bullion
A. to convert (stocks, bonds, etc.) into cash
B. to turn in (trading stamps or coupons) for a prize, premium, discount, etc.
5. to set free by paying a ransom
6. to deliver from sin and its penalties, as by a sacrifice made for the sinner
7. to fulfill (a promise or pledge)
8. to make amends or atone for to redeem a blunder
9. to restore (oneself) to favor by making amends
10. to make worthwhile; justify
1. Jesus bought back our blessing and our ability to have a relationship with God
2. Jesus paid the fee with His own life to buy us the blessings and relationship with God.
3. Jesus completely paid of the amount due that the Law required, and now that it has been marked "paid in full" all the blessings of God belong to us.
4. Jesus turned His own life in for the prize, His life was turned in or exchanged for all the blessings of God.
5. We were set free from sin and all its forms and manifestations because Jesus paid the ransom with His life.
6. Jesus became the sacrifice for us all, He took on all the sin of the world, He took on all the sin in all it's forms including sickness, guilt, fear, pain, sorrow, grief, so that we would be delivered from the penalties and sufferings of these things.
7. Jesus fulfilled the Law of Moses for us.
8. The blunder that Jesus redeemed was that man gave up his authority over the earth to Satan and Jesus gave it back to us, His creation.
9. Jesus restored us to right standing with God, by making amends through Him keeping every commandment perfectly.
10. The blood of Jesus has justified us, in God's eyes. Now God can see us as the righteousness of Christ, and He only gives us His blessings.
As you can see by Galatians 3:13-14 Christ became the curse of the Law so that we His children could have all the blessings that God gave to Abraham. Maybe you wondered why I gave so many definitions and different bible quotes. The scripture tell us that God's people are being destroyed for lack of knowledge. Godly knowledge is the first step towards freedom. If you study the blessings and the cursings you will find that you were blessed only if you kept the laws perfectly. And if you didn't keep them, you were cursed. Now that we have a new covenant with God and understand that Jesus achieved all the requirements of the laws, and that we are now covered with the blood of Jesus, God only sees us through the blood. God looks at us, when we come to Him in prayer only seeing His beloved son, that kept all of the commandment, and is not angry but only wants to give us what ever we ask for. God took all of His anger out on Jesus, on the cross. He cursed Jesus with all of the curses. God is not mad anymore. He doesn't see your faults, Christ payed for them. God isn't angry, He isn't even in a bad mood. He wants to bless you, He wants to heal you, He wants to deliver you.
If you want to understand what you have been blessed with. If you want to know what curses were placed on Jesus so that you wouldn't have to suffer. Than read the 28th chapter of Deuteronomy. That is a great place to start. If you find that you have sickness in your body. This is a direct violation of what Christ redeemed you from. But, you must take a stand. You must take authority over the sickness. Jesus said, "In my name you will cast out devils, you will speak with new tongues, you shall take up serpents, if you drink and deadly thing it shall not harm you, you shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover." It is our job to bring the blessings to ourselves. Jesus has provided the way but will not force anyone to receive anything. You must gain the knowledge, you must seek, you must have a relationship with God and understand who He says He is. You have to become so unhappy with your situation that you stop doing things your way and reach out to God, and do things His way. He has given us all the keys to a happy healthy life. He is standing at the door knocking, will you turn from your own destruction and let Him in? Will you read His word and understand that He is talking to you? Start by knowing that He became the curse so that you could have all the blessings. Begin to understand that God is Good.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Who's Faith?
This verse says that God has dealt to every man the measure of faith. So how has God dealt to me and all of us the measure of faith? He has given us His word. The faith of God, the same faith that God used to form the heavens and the earth He supernaturally placed into His word. The bible tell us that there is not one word of God that is without power. Every word He speaks has the power, or faith to bring it to pass. And that same supernatural power He placed into His word.
So, the measure of faith is the amount of faith that is found in the Bible.
But, the power, the faith, will do you no good stuck inside of your bible. The bible has to be opened, and read. Not just silently to yourself but, read aloud.
So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. ~Romans 10:17 KJV
It says faith comes by hearing the word of God. It comes by hearing, and hearing, and hearing, and hearing. God has placed His supernatural faith in His words and when you hear them His faith comes to you. It is a gift to you, it is His faith for you that you can turn around and call it your own.
There is no such thing as ignorant faith. The only way you can have faith for any promise of God is to hear His word and receive it into your heart. The only way to obtain the gift of grace that God have given each and every one of us is through faith.
Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]. ~Hebrews 11:1 Amplified KJV
This is saying that faith is the title deed. If you have every purchased real estate the title deed is a piece of paper that proves to everyone that you own the property. Faith is proof of the ownership of the promises of God. If you don't have faith you cannot receive any promises of God. You cannot receive any grace from God, you cannot receive any gifts of God. That does not mean He hasn't freely given, it just means you cannot receive them.
Picture this just for a moment. Every word in the Bible is a container. Each container is filled with faith. As you open the container (or hear the words) you receive the faith that God placed into the container. The more containers you open (or the more you hear the word of God) the more your faith will be built.
The good news is that God has given everyone the measure of faith. It is located in your bible. All the faith you will ever need to receive all the gifts of God is located in His word.
God is good. He has given all of us the gift of salvation, healing, deliverance, and all the help you will ever need in every area of your life. He has even given us His faith to receive His grace. But, He has also given us free will. If you desire to enter into God's gift of salvation. If you need healing. Open your bible. Read the word of God, aloud. Receive God's faith supernaturally contained in those words. Take it and call it your own. It will not fail. It will accomplish everything God sent it out to do.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Word check-up
This verse says that the power of life and death is in the tongue. This means that either you are speaking life giving words or words that bring about death. This verse didn't say there are some life words, some death words, and then words that don't really matter. No, the words you speak only fall into two categories, Life or Death.
But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement. ~Matthew 12:36 KJV
So, we can see that all words are important and all words contain power. And that we must be satisfied with the words we speak. I know that the words that God speaks are Life. I will have health, happiness, and peace, regardless of my circumstances if I speak these words. And I choose to speak those. I have learned that if I speak words of fear, sickness and disease, that these are death words. And these words will only bring those things which I fear most, just as Job discovered. I have made a choice to put God's words in my mouth. I choose the path of life. I am walking in health and healing, and will all the days of my life. No evil will befall me, neither shall any plague come nigh my dwelling. For the Lord has given His angles charge over me in all my ways, and in my pathway is life and there is no death.
If you are fighting sickness of any sort, I encourage you to check-up on the words you are saying. Speak life, speak health, speak peace, speak God's word for yourself.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
That's MINE
The sick are oppressed of the devil, not God. It is good when people get healed. It is not good when people are sick. The teaching that God chooses not to answer prayers for healing is an effort to dodge guilt and liability for failure to receive. The first step towards freedom is to accept the truth that it is our receiving that is the problem not God's giving. We have a giving God, who gives freely to all that ask. Part of the problem may be that you don't know the nature of God. He is a giver, He is a lover, He is kind, He is always good.
If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him. ~ James 1:5 Amplified KJV
As long as you take comfort in the thought, "It's all up to God. Whatever will be will be," you will stay a victim and never become victorious. Read the Bible for yourself. Let the Spirit be your guide. Understand who God really is, and who He says you are. He calls you healed. He declares that you are well. So take it today! It's yours!
Look Up
Most Christ followers are familiar with this story. It was an awesome display of God's power. With only five loaves of bread and two fish thousands of people were satisfied. Let's take a closer look at what Jesus did when He came across lack. It says that He "looked up". The Greek word that was translated "look up" here is ANABLEPO, which means "to recover sight". This same word was translated "receive sight" 15 times in the New Testament. When it was translated "receive sight" it was referring to a blind person being healed, and gaining their sight back. This word is specifying the receiving of sight. It is actually a compound word, ANA often means "repetition" and BLEPO means "to look at". So this is literally speaking of looking at something again.
So when Jesus "looked up" He was receiving sight, that is spiritual sight. What He had in his hands was not enough to meet the need. So He looked past the limitations of the physical lack and saw the limitless supply of the Father.
Likewise, we need to look up and receive spiritual sight that allows us to see beyond the limitations of the natural and to the limitless ability of God.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
God wants you well
There are 17 times in the gospels where Jesus healed all of the sick that were present. He healed them after He had preached the word and built their faith in God.
- Matthew 4:23-24
- Matthew 8:16-17
- Matthew 9:35
- Matthew 12:15
- Matthew 14:14
- Matthew 14:34-36
- Matthew 15:30-31
- Matthew 19:2
- Matthew 21:14
- Mark 1:32-34
- Mark 1:39
- Mark 6:56
- Luke 4:40
- Luke 6:17-19
- Luke 7:21
- Luke 9:11
- Luke 17:12-17
There are 47 other times He healed one or two people at a time.
- Matthew 8:1-4
- Matthew 8:5-13
- Matthew 8:14-15
- Matthew 8:28-34
- Matthew 9:1-8
- Matthew 9:20-33
- Matthew 12:10-13
- Matthew 12:22-23
- Matthew 15:21-28
- Matthew 17:14-18
- Matthew 20:30-34
- Mark 1:21-31
- Mark 1:40-45
- Mark 2:1-12
- Mark 3:1-5
- Mark 5:1-20
- Mark 5:25-43
- Mark 7:24-37
- Mark 8:22-26
- Mark 9:14-29
- Mark 10:46-52
- Luke 4:33-39
- Luke 5:12-15
- Luke 5:17-26
- Luke 6:6-10
- Luke 7:1-17
- Luke 8:27-39
- Luke 8:43-56
- Luke 9:37-42
- Luke 11:14
- Luke 13:11-17
- Luke 14:1-5
- Luke 18:35-43
- Luke 22:51
- John 4:46-54
- John 5:2-15
- John 9:6-7
- John 11:43-44
So Jesus added, When you have lifted up the Son [on the cross], you will realize (know and understand) that I am He [for Whom you look] and I do nothing of Myself (of My own accord or on My own authority), but I say [exactly] what My Father has taught me. And He Who sent me is ever with Me; My Father has not left Me alone, for I always do what pleases Him. ~John 8:28-29 Amplified KJV
Nowhere do we find Jesus refusing to heal anyone. In light of Jesus' statements in Jonh 8:28-29 and John 5:19 in that He could do and say nothing of Himself but only what He saw the Father do and speak, His words and actions are proof enough that it is God's will for us to be well.
Righteousness Speaks
The apostle Paul is trying to explain a very important concept here. He is describing how faith works. In our culture we have learned that it is important to exercise our bodies. That a person who practices any sport will become stronger and better in that sport. Faith works in the same fashion. Before David killed Goliath, he killed two wild animals with his bare hands. By first killing the animals David had the faith in God to stand up to the giant. Achieving and building little by little is the Godly way of doing things.
So Paul starts out first by telling us how not to speak. He explains that now that Jesus is seated on the right hand of the Father, He doesn't have to come back to earth, or do anything new, to heal us. He doesn't have to come back to take care of our finances. Those were already provided for at salvation, over 2,000 years ago.
But, what Paul does say is that the promises of God are near us, the kingdom of God is just as close as getting it in our heart and in our mouths. In our culture we don't place any value on our words. But, that is not how God sees it. God created everything with words. We are created in His image. We use our word to create our lives. When we speak God's words we will have faith in God. But, when we speak the devil's words we will have faith in the devil. Words of healing and health are God's words. Words of fear, and doubt, and sickness, and pain, and bad reports from the doctor, and sadness, those are faith filled words in the devil. Speaking health when you don't feel healed is operating in the kingdom of God.
Let me ask you a question. When we pray for the sick do we walk up and just place the bible on them, and say nothing? Or do we chop it up into little pieces and feed it to them? Now your saying don't be silly, we would never do that. Because that would never bring healing, right. But speaking God's words over them will bring healing. Saying faith filled words in God's promises brings them to you.
So faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. ~Romans 10:17 KJV
Now Paul is telling how to build and exercise our faith muscle. Just as we understand the building of our muscles on our bodies. There must be repetition for growth. Paul says faith comes by hearing. Yes hearing, not reading silently in your head. But hearing. Faith in God's promises comes by hearing yourself speak, and quote, and say what God said. Paul says it is near you, even in your mouth. So you speak so that you can hear it. You speak so that it can penetrate your heart. When you do this you are building your faith muscle and causing faith in God to come. You are causing things to change. You are operating in the kingdom of God. But, if you keep saying it like "it is" change will never happen. If you have sickness in your body and speak over and over again that you are sick. You call everyone you know and tell them the terrible news that the doctor gave you. When you meditate on the illness, looking up on the Internet just how hopeless things "really are". When you are in fear about your situation, you are building your faith, but it is faith in the devil and not in God. God calls the weak people strong. He called Abram the father of many nations before he had any children. He says that you were healed, even if you feel sick. Who's words will you put in your mouth? It is an impossibility to walk in health and talk sickness and disease. I can tell you from personal experience, placing God's words in your mouth will cause faith in God's promises to come. Then change will follow.
Friday, May 23, 2008
What's in a name?
What an amazing prayer Paul prayed for the the Ephesians. He was praying that these people would come to understand the finished work of Jesus Christ. He asked God for a spirit of wisdom so that they could understand and know what enormous power God has placed on the inside of each of them. He wanted them to have more than just head knowledge of this mighty power. He wanted them to know by personal experience. He wanted them to have the kind of knowledge that can never be stolen away. Paul didn't pray for God to come down and do something new, or show His might and power. Paul was praying that these people understand that they have the power of God inside of them. That not only is this power in and for the Ephesians but, it is in and for all who believe. It is in and for those who have called upon the Lord Jesus Christ, and asked Him into their hearts. If you have done this, you are the believers Paul is talking to. He said that this same power was used to raise Jesus from the dead. The resurrection power is in and for us who believe, Praise God!
Paul also says that he hopes the Ephesians understand why God has placed the very measure of Himself in His people. God didn't give us this power so that we can suffer with sickness here on this earth. He gave us this power because of His great love for us. He gave us this power so that we can be more than conquerors through Him. He calls us His trophies, I want to be a trophy that Jesus is proud of, not the one He places on the shelf in the back of His closet. How about you?
But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph (as trophies of Christ's victory) and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere. ~2 Corinthians 2:14 Amplified KJV
Then Paul goes on to explain that God has elevated the name of Jesus. Anything that has a name, that is under the name of Jesus. Paul further explains that not only the things of this world are under the name of Jesus but even the things that are in the world to come, those things are under Him as well. So today, if you are fighting cancer, blood sugar, head aches, pain in your spine, asthma, depression, or anything that has a name, it is under the name of Jesus Christ.
Take the gift that God has given to you. Because He is Love. He cares that you are suffering. In the name of Jesus cast out your illness. And tell your body to receive the healing power of God that was provided for you in the broken body of Jesus. God wants you well.
Today is the day to start to elevate the name of out Lord and Savior Jesus. Begin by saying that prayer in Ephesians. Take out all of the "you"s from the prayer and place your name there. Ask God for the revelation knowledge of the supernatural power residing on the inside of you right now. You will not be disappointed, Jesus is alive.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The news...
Yet it was our grief He bore, our sorrows that weighed Him down. And we thought His troubles were a punishment from God, for His own sins! He was wounded and bruised for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace; He was lashed-AND WE WERE HEALED! We- every one of us- have strayed away like sheep! We, who left God path to follow our own. Yet God laid on Him the guilt and sins of every one of us! -Isaiah 53:1-6 The living Bible translation.
There is a living God. I know Him personally. He is my healer, and He wants to be able to heal each and every one of us. Will you let Him? Will you let go of the bad news that was reported to you? Can you place more value on what God says than on anything else? After all, He is the maker of the entire universe, and of all things seen and unseen.
I would just like to encourage you to believe only. To place all of your faith, trust, value, and the leaning of your entire personality on the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. Most people focus on the removing of sins that took place during this sacrifice, and miss the real reason why it happened. God Himself came down to earth to give back to His creation something we had given up. The ability to know Him personally and to give us complete authority over everything that comes against us in this life. He loved us so much that He, Himself became flesh to bring us victory. To make us over comers. To be glorified in and through us, His creation.
God struck His precious Son with every sin, and every disease to bring us to Him. So that all that is left is relationship. In His compassion He saw that sin was weighing us down. Sickness caused pain and agony. Not just to the person that is ill but to everyone that loves that person. Sin and all of it's manifestations (including illness)were bringing His beloved creation into bondage. So He had a plan, from the beginning of time He had a plan to fix what we, His creation had messed up. It is His will for everyone to be healed. And to be in an intimate relationship with Him.
The scriptures don't make a distinction between Jesus forgiving and healing our bodies. There has been some Christian teaching has divided healing from the forgiveness of sins. But, they were both the results of the one atonement of Christ. Let me see if I can clarify it for you. The Greek word SOZO, which was translated "save" 41 times and "saved" 53 times in the New testament, was also translated "healed" 3 times and "made whole" 10 times when talking about physical healing. Being healed, made whole, and saved are all the same to God. So why do so many people place a distinction between them?
And the prayer of faith shall save the sick. -James 5:15 KJV
Well, the answer is that we should not separate forgiveness and healing. I don't think that there are many Christians walking around wondering if they are saved. They don't worry night and day if they will go to heaven when they die. They don't go to others to ask their advice about eternal status. No, the average Christian believes that Jesus died for their sins so that they could one day be with God in heaven. God wants us to completely understand what was accomplished by Jesus. He is speaking now. He is asking you to listen. He is your healer. He always was. He will always be. He is not afraid of any situation. Nothing, no disease is too big for God. He didn't just barely pay for our sins and sickness but His payment greatly surpassed the bill.
Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weakness, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if leprosy]. But He was wounded for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded ] Him we are healed and made whole. -Isaiah 53: 4-5 Amp.KJV
So what will you do? I challenge you to claim your healing. Shout, "I AM HEALED, BY THE STRIPES OF JESUS!" Yes, believe only.