Thursday, May 22, 2008

The news...

But, oh, how few believe it! Who will listen? To whom will God reveal His saving power? In God's eyes He was like a tender green shoot, sprouting from a root in a dry and sterile ground. But in our eyes there was no attractiveness at all, nothing to make us want him - a man of sorrows, acquainted with the bitterest grief. We turned our backs on Him and looked when He went by. He was despised, and we didn't care.

Yet it was our grief He bore, our sorrows that weighed Him down. And we thought His troubles were a punishment from God, for His own sins! He was wounded and bruised for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace; He was lashed-AND WE WERE HEALED! We- every one of us- have strayed away like sheep! We, who left God path to follow our own. Yet God laid on Him the guilt and sins of every one of us! -Isaiah 53:1-6 The living Bible translation.

There is a living God. I know Him personally. He is my healer, and He wants to be able to heal each and every one of us. Will you let Him? Will you let go of the bad news that was reported to you? Can you place more value on what God says than on anything else? After all, He is the maker of the entire universe, and of all things seen and unseen.

I would just like to encourage you to believe only. To place all of your faith, trust, value, and the leaning of your entire personality on the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. Most people focus on the removing of sins that took place during this sacrifice, and miss the real reason why it happened. God Himself came down to earth to give back to His creation something we had given up. The ability to know Him personally and to give us complete authority over everything that comes against us in this life. He loved us so much that He, Himself became flesh to bring us victory. To make us over comers. To be glorified in and through us, His creation.

God struck His precious Son with every sin, and every disease to bring us to Him. So that all that is left is relationship. In His compassion He saw that sin was weighing us down. Sickness caused pain and agony. Not just to the person that is ill but to everyone that loves that person. Sin and all of it's manifestations (including illness)were bringing His beloved creation into bondage. So He had a plan, from the beginning of time He had a plan to fix what we, His creation had messed up. It is His will for everyone to be healed. And to be in an intimate relationship with Him.

The scriptures don't make a distinction between Jesus forgiving and healing our bodies. There has been some Christian teaching has divided healing from the forgiveness of sins. But, they were both the results of the one atonement of Christ. Let me see if I can clarify it for you. The Greek word SOZO, which was translated "save" 41 times and "saved" 53 times in the New testament, was also translated "healed" 3 times and "made whole" 10 times when talking about physical healing. Being healed, made whole, and saved are all the same to God. So why do so many people place a distinction between them?

And the prayer of faith shall save the sick. -James 5:15 KJV

Well, the answer is that we should not separate forgiveness and healing. I don't think that there are many Christians walking around wondering if they are saved. They don't worry night and day if they will go to heaven when they die. They don't go to others to ask their advice about eternal status. No, the average Christian believes that Jesus died for their sins so that they could one day be with God in heaven. God wants us to completely understand what was accomplished by Jesus. He is speaking now. He is asking you to listen. He is your healer. He always was. He will always be. He is not afraid of any situation. Nothing, no disease is too big for God. He didn't just barely pay for our sins and sickness but His payment greatly surpassed the bill.

Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weakness, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if leprosy]. But He was wounded for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded ] Him we are healed and made whole. -Isaiah 53: 4-5 Amp.KJV

So what will you do? I challenge you to claim your healing. Shout, "I AM HEALED, BY THE STRIPES OF JESUS!" Yes, believe only.

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